African American Historical Adventure - The New Frontier - is now promoted by Book Publicity

Wayne L Wilson
The New Frontier

This young adult historical fiction novel is based on the true and untold stories of the African American urban pioneers of the twentieth century who moved into all-White neighborhoods. These courageous souls shattered color barriers from block to block; but not without being subjected to bigotry and some of the most dire repercussions like racial profiling and prejudice.

It’s 1961, the era of President Kennedy’s “New Frontier”. This coming-of-age drama centers on the Coles move into an exclusive White Los Angeles neighborhood. They represent the “Great Migration” of Southern Blacks who migrated West seeking equal rights, better job opportunities, and lifestyle. The heart of this tale is weaved from the imaginative, innocent, and sensitive observations of its 12-year-old protagonist, Samuel. His narration of how his family navigates their assimilation and the daily hurdles they encounter are injected with pathos and his quirky sense of humor.

Although The New Frontier is targeted toward YA readers, its story and message extend to the audience of any age. The themes are universal and as relevant today as were in the past – bigotry, prejudice, housing discrimination, religious narrow-mindedness, racial profiling, police brutality, stereotyping, bullying, and xenophobia. Join the mysterious adventures of Samuel and his next-door neighbor as they form a bond of a cross-cultural friendship and navigate the muddy waters of the early sixties in America.

Book tags: young adult literature YA novel multicultural historic fiction mystery African American humorous humor coming-of-age bullying JFK President Kennedy 1960 1961 early sixties New Frontier speech southern black migration music Jazz integration California Los Angeles bigotry racial profiling prejudice assimilation white flight exodus discrimination minorities old-fashioned racism OFR cross-cultural friendship real-life bogeyman Wayne L Wilson The New Frontier
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Book tags: young adult literature YA novel multicultural historic fiction mystery African American humorous humor coming-of-age bullying JFK President Kennedy 1960 1961 early sixties New Frontier speech southern black migration music Jazz integration California Los Angeles bigotry racial profiling prejudice assimilation white flight exodus discrimination minorities old-fashioned racism OFR cross-cultural friendship real-life bogeyman Wayne L Wilson The New Frontier

More about the Great Migration
The Great Migration was the relocation of more than 6 million Black Americans from the rural South to the cities of the North, Midwest and West from about 1916 to 1970. Driven from their homes by unsatisfactory economic opportunities and harsh segregationist laws, many Black Americans headed north, where they took advantage of the need for industrial workers that arose during the First World War. During the Great Migration, Black people began to build a new place for themselves in public life, actively confronting racial prejudice as well as economic, political and social challenges to create a Black urban culture that would exert enormous influence in the decades to come. - The History Channel

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