Marc Pillay
Understanding: The Secret to Success - Demystified Series Book 1
A personal growth and development guide exploring the psychology behind the way we perceive success. The writer brings a new and unique perspective and philosophy to the notion of success, since it is not a one-size-fits all concept.
What if you could pinpoint the cause of your failures that is holding back your success? This is the empowering secret that Life Demystified unlocks!
This book is for progressive thinkers in or approaching the prime years of adult life, who want to move away from the wrongly accepted definition of success which is imposed by culture or society and find their own success defined under their terms.
Finding and attaining one's own success is the only way to genuine happiness, which is what everyone yearns for.
This personal development guide unpacks two different but equally important types of success, which the writer calls “ultimate success” and “day-to-day success” in a practical down to earth manner, with loads of actual examples that can be applied in real life situations.
It highlights the non-negotiable nature of understanding as a prerequisite; and introduces a long overdue approach to goals, the UTMOST goal-setting model, as an alternative to the established SMART goals.